New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan, actor and co-owner of Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR), was in Ahmedabad on Tuesday to attend an Indian Premier League (IPL) match of KKR at Narendra Modi Stadium. KKR secured their spot in the IPL final with a commanding eight-wicket win over Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) in Qualifier 1. However, a day later, Shah Rukh was admitted to KD Hospital in Ahmedabad due to severe dehydration. Now, a video of him with a fan is attracting attention.

Shah Rukh Khan's video with fan

While the actor is hospitalized in Ahmedabad, a heartwarming video has emerged on social media, drawing love from his fans. In the video, Shah Rukh is seen meeting a specially-abled fan right after attending the playoff match between KKR and SRH.

In the video, although the actor appeared tired and was accompanied by his manager and security team, he didn't disappoint the fan and graciously obliged him with a photo. Shah Rukh not only stopped to greet the fan but also embraced him with a hug, showcasing his warmth and kindness.

Check out the video here:


Shah Rukh Khan's health update

Juhi Chawla, Shah Rukh Khan's longtime co-star and co-owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders, has provided a health update following his hospitalization due to a heat stroke in Ahmedabad. In an interview with News18, Juhi reassured fans that Shah Rukh is recovering well and will be back to support their team in the Indian Premier League finals this Sunday.

Juhi said, "Shah Rukh was not feeling too well last night but he is being attended to and was feeling much better this evening. God willing, he will soon be up, and in the stands on the weekend, cheering the team, as we play the finals."

Shah Rukh Khan hospitalised

Shah Rukh Khan had been in Gujarat since attending KKR's IPL match on Tuesday night. The megastar was elated after his team, Kolkata Knight Riders, won the playoffs to qualify for the IPL 2024 finals.

Shah Rukh was at the stadium with his daughter Suhana Khan, son AbRam, and manager Pooja Dadlani. Following the big KKR win, SRK celebrated by taking a victory lap with Suhana and AbRam.

According to the Ahmedabad (Rural) Superintendent, the actor was admitted to the hospital after he suffered from a heat stroke. 

ALSO READ: Shah Rukh Khan 'Is Feeling Much Better' Shares Juhi Chawla, Will Be Back In Stands To Support KKR During IPL Finals