New Delhi: Karan Deol's wedding to Drisha Acharya was a grand affair. On Monday, actor Anupam Kher shared pictures from Karan Deol's wedding reception. Attended by the who's who of Bollywood, the wedding reception saw celebrities such as Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh among many others. Anupam Kher shared a picture in which we saw him pose with Aamir Khan, Sunny Deol, Salman Khan and legendary actor Dharmendra. 

In the picture, which Anupam Kher shared, we see Aamir Khan in a beige shirt and blue denims, while the rest are dressed in formals.

Taking to his official Instagram handle, Anupam Kher shared the pictures with the caption, "Class of 90s. Actors from a pre mobile phones and vanity vans era. When we shared stories! When we shared makeup rooms. When we changed costumes in open, behind trees and umbrellas and laughed….. Still going strong!! Still reinventing! Still matter!! It was so nice to meet Dharam ji (Dharmendra), Sunny, Aamir and Salman at Karan and Drisha's wedding… First pic clicked by Bobby Deol (heart eyes and red heart emoji).”


Soon after the picture was shared, a fan wrote, " All are Indian cinema legends (heart emojis)." One more wrote, 'The best era… 90s..." The caption has my heart, sir. Where are such stories nowadays?" One person also commented, "Feeling so happy to see you all together... Loved this bonding."

Karan Deol and Drisha's wedding

Karan and Drisha were married as per Hindu customs on Sunday. The wedding was attended by close friends and family. The grand wedding pictures have been circulating everywhere. In the baaraat, Dharmendra, Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol were seen looking happy to see Kara get married.

Soon after their wedding, the Deol family hosted a reception for the newlyweds. Bobby Deol was accompanied by his wife Tanya Deol and Aryaman Deol at the reception. Abhay Deol arrived solo at the bash.

Comedian Kapil Sharma was seen with his wife Ginni Chatrath. Raj Babbar, Suniel Shetty, Poonam Dhillon, Shatrughan Sinha, Ranveer Singh with his parents and sister were also present with Deepika Padukone. Ishita Dutta, who is pregnant with her first child, attended the reception with actor-husband Vatsal Sheth.