RJ Mahvash’s photo with cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal from a Christmas celebration went viral recently. The photo quickly sparked speculation regarding her relationship with Chahal, particularly in light of ongoing reports about his troubled marriage with dancer and choreographer Dhanashree Verma.
The photograph, which was shared by Mahvash on her Instagram, led social media users to question the nature of her connection with the cricketer, especially amid the divorce rumours that have been circulating for the past few days. To set the record straight, RJ Mahvash decided to address the gossip head-on in an Instagram Story.
RJ Mahvash slams relationship rumours
In her post, Mahvash slammed the baseless rumours and the people responsible for them. "Some articles and speculations have been circulating around the internet. It's literally funny to see how baseless these rumours are. If you get seen with a person of the opposite gender, does that mean you are dating them? I'm sorry, what year is this? And how many people are you all dating then?" she wrote.
She went on to say, “I have been patient for 2-3 days now, but I won't let any PR teams drag my name into this to cover up other people's images. Let people live in peace with their friends and family during tough times."
RJ Mahvash posted pic with Yuzvendra Chahal
Earlier, RJ Mahvash had posted a set of Christmas celebration photos on Instagram, where one of the pictures featured Yuzvendra Chahal sitting beside her during their festive lunch. She captioned the image, "Christmas lunch con familiar.”
Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree’s marriage
The speculation about Yuzvendra and Dhanashree’s marriage problems began earlier this month after fans noticed that the couple had unfollowed each other on Instagram, sparking widespread speculation of an impending divorce. However, both have remained silent on the matter, intensifying the mystery surrounding their relationship.
Dhanashree also took to Instagram to address the ongoing rumours. In her note, she expressed her frustration with the online trolls and their damaging behaviour. “The past few days have been incredibly tough for my family and me. What's truly upsetting is the baseless writing, devoid of fact-checking, and the character assassination of my reputation by faceless trolls spreading hate,” she wrote.
Dhanashree also conveyed her strength in silence, stating, "I've worked hard for years to build my name and integrity. My silence is not a sign of weakness; but of strength. While negativity spreads easily online, it takes courage and compassion to uplift others.”