Renowned Bengali filmmaker Arun Roy passed away on Thursday at the age of 56 at a state-run hospital in Kolkata. Roy had been battling cancer for over a year and a half and was recently admitted to RG Kar Hospital for a lung infection. His condition had deteriorated in the past few days, according to hospital sources, news agency PTI reported.

Actor Dev, who starred in Roy's film 'Bagha Jatin', which depicted the life of Bengali revolutionary Jatindranath Mukherjee, confirmed the news of Roy's death on X. He expressed his grief, saying, "You have left too soon, my friend. You had a heart of pure gold." In a subsequent post, Dev Entertainment Ventures, Dev's production company, shared their sorrow, stating, "We are deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved director Arun Roy. A visionary filmmaker, his passion and creativity will continue to inspire us. Rest in peace, Arun Da."


About Roy

Roy gained recognition with his debut film Egaro - The Immortal XI in 2011 and went on to direct other notable works, including Cholai (2016), Hiralal (2018), 8/12 Binay Badal Dinesh, and Bagha Jatin.

Bengali film icon Prosenjit Chatterjee paid tribute to Roy, saying, "Every film by Arun Roy, from Egaro to Bagha Jatin, made us look at things differently. Though cancer took his life this morning, his work will remain victorious in our hearts. His films will tell the story of his true triumph. My condolences to his family and loved ones."