New Delhi: Today marks the second wedding anniversary of Bollywood couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. Later that year, on April 14, 2022, the happy couple welcomed a daughter, Raha. This is the perfect day to remember when Ranbir Kapoor spoke about the hardships of marriage.
In a candid conversation on ‘Unstoppable with NBK’, actor Ranbir Kapoor shared insights into his six-year relationship with actress Alia Bhatt. He stressed the importance of continuous effort in a successful marriage, revealing that "Relationships are hard".
Ranbir humorously admitted to the daily ritual of picking up Alia's towel from the floor, underscoring the small acts of consideration that contribute to a thriving relationship.
He said, “Marriage is all about working, no? You have to keep working on your marriage, you have to keep trying. And that’s what makes a successful marriage. She comes out of the shower and her towel is left on the floor. I am always picking up her towel and putting it in the basket. But I think that’s what makes a marriage work.”
Ranbir Kapoor also spoke about Raha Kapoor, his daughter, and said that having a daughter was his lifelong dream. He said, “I never thought I would experience this kind of joy in my life. I wasn’t expecting it. It has given me such joy that I am grateful to God for it.”
Neetu Kapoor on Ranbir Alia's second wedding anniversary
Ranbir Kapoor's mom, Neetu Kapoor, sent a heartfelt Instagram message to the happy couple to celebrate their special day. Along with the caption "Blessings" and several red heart emojis, Neetu posted a photo of Alia and Ranbir from their pre-wedding celebrations on her Instagram stories.
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