New Delhi: Rajkummar Rao recently opened up about his humble beginnings and shared that though his family never struggled with poverty, there was a time when his school teachers chipped in to pay his fee. Showering praise and appreciation for his mother, who tried to do everything to give him a regular upbringing, Rajkummar said that she would borrow money from relatives when things didn't work out so well. In an interaction with Raj Shamani on his podcast, Rao spoke about his time in Gurgaon, his upbringing, success and more.
Joint family but financial strain
Talking about how he always knew that he wanted to be an actor, Rao said, "I grew up in a joint family, I have two older siblings. I had humble beginnings. I didn’t grow up with money, so that financial stress was always there. It wasn’t like we were dying of hunger, but we were just about scraping by.”
Schoool teachers paid for his education
When the family did not have enough money, Rao’s mother borrowed from relatives. However, recalling a time, when there was no money left for their school fee to be paid, Rajkummar said his teachers pitched in to save them.
“There was a two or three-year period where school teachers paid our fees because there were three of us and there was no money for school fees. They didn’t want us to be taken out of school, so they chipped in for us,”
The ‘Stree 2’ actor also spoke about how his mother never made him feel the duress of financial constraints in the family.
Adding that his siblings were excellent students, and that he was quite good at extra-curricular activities, so the teachers did not want to deny them a proper education. "But I had a fun childhood, I was always outdoors,” he said.
For those unaware, Rajkummar lost his mother shortly after some success in the film industry, and his father in 2019. He has on numerous occasions spoken about bonding with his father after his mother's passing away.