New Delhi: Parineeti Chopra, Raghav Chadha’s wedding is round the corner. After their wedding reception card went viral on social media a few days ago, the entire Parineeti-Raghav wedding schedule is out. ABP News got hold of the wedding invite with details of all the functions and going by the details given in the card their wedding will have themes like 90s' edition, Blooms & Bites, and a white-themed wedding.

The invite shows animated glimpses of groom and brides from the royal palaces. The wedding will take place over two days on Sep 23-24 at The Leela Palace, Udaipur, and The Taj Lake. The guest will be invited on September 23 with a welcome lunch. Parineeti's chooda ceremony will be held on the same day and the day will end with a 90s theme party.

The wedding will take place on 24th with pheras around 4 pm followed by a reception.

The grand Punjabi wedding is expected to bring together the Chadha and Chopra family, friends and VVIPs, and eminent personalities from the film industry.

Several media reports have suggested that some 200 guests are expected to attend the wedding. Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas and their daughter Malti Marie Chopra will also be part of Parineeti's squad.

PC is expected to be Parineeti's bridesmaid at the wedding.

Parineeti Raghav Wedding Functions List

Location: Leela Palace, Udaipur and The  Taj Lake

Theme - Grains of Love - Welcome Lunch September 23 at Inner Courtyard 12 PM till 4 PM

Theme - 90's Edition, Let's party like it 90's
Guava Garden 7 PM onwards September 23.

Themes - Blooms & Bites
A Fresco Afternoon. Terrace near Ballroom.
10 AM till 1 PM. September 23.

Theme - Pari's Choora Ceremony. Adorn with Love. Maharaja Suit. 10 AM, September 23.


September 24 

Theme - Raghav's Sehrabandi. Threads of Blessings. Location - Taj Lake Palace. Time 1 PM.

Baraat - The Royal Procession. From Taj Lake. Time - 2 PM.

Divine Promises - A Pearl White Indian Wedding. Location - Leela Palace.

Jaimala - 3.30 PM

Pheras - 4 PM

Vidai - 6.30 PM

Theme - A Night of Amore. The reception gala. Location - Leela Palace Courtyard. Time - 8.30.