New Delhi: Priyanka Chopra responded to the US-based death of Indian student Jaahnavi Kandula. For the uninitiated, the Andhra Pradesh native, who was studying in the US died in January of this year after being hit by a Seattle police patrol car. A body-worn camera recording of two Seattle Police Department union leaders making jokes about her death surfaced months after she passed away. 

Priyanka described the act as "appalling" while sharing a post on Jaahnavi's death. Taking to Instagram Stories on Saturday, Priyanka re-shared a post by People.

"It's appalling to learn that such a tragic incident that happened 9 months ago is only coming to light now. A life is a life. One cannot put any value on it," she wrote.

Earlier, Farhan Akhtar took to Instagram and paid his condolences after the tragic event. "#JaahnaviKandula. We didn't know each other but I know that as a student preparing to make a place for herself in the world, your potential was limitless and your value immeasurable. Condolences to your family. RIP," he wrote.

Jaahnavi Kandula went to Northeastern University's South Lake Union campus. She was struck by a police car while she was crossing Thomas Street and Dexter Avenue North. A police officer was heard making fun of her death in a supposedly bodycam footage that leaked online and became viral, which caused a huge uproar. A police officer is overheard telling the others that the girl's life had "limited value" and that the city need to provide a cheque.

Jaanhavi will receive her degree posthumously, according to an announcement from Northeastern University. The declaration was made by Kenneth W. Henderson, chancellor of the university, who voiced faith that the present inquiries would result in some degree of justice.

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