New Delhi: Following her brother Siddharth Chopra and his fiancée Neelam Upadhyaya's roka ceremony, actor Priyanka Chopra shared a note. Priyanka reposted Siddharth's post on her Instagram Stories on Tuesday.
"Congratulations @siddharthchopra89 @neelamupadhyaya all our love and blessings (red heart emoji). #rokafied (two heart emoji)." Priyanka wrote alongside the post.
She also shared a picture of herself, Siddharth, Neelam, and her husband, singer Nick Jonas.
"They did it.. (smiling face with heart eyes emoji)." PC captioned the post.
Priyanka donned a red saree and blouse for the event. Nick was wearing a beige jacket and white pyjamas. Siddharth Chopra chose a pink kurta, blazer, and white pyjamas. Neelam, dressed in purple, posed with them.
Neelam shared numerous photos of the duo posing for the camera on Instagram.
"Sooo we did a thing (face holding back tears and heart hands emoji)." She wrote alongside her post.
Priyanka reacted to the post with clapping hands, and heart-eye emojis.
"The best news... so happy for both of u and the families. A big congratulations." Meera Chopra wrote on Neelam’s post.
About Siddharth Chopra’s previous relationships
Following their combined appearance at a Ganesh Chaturthi event in 2019, the couple ignited dating suspicions. Siddharth were previously engaged to Ishita Kumar. In 2019, they announced their engagement, and Priyanka was present at their Roka ceremony. The couple was scheduled to tie the knot during the final week of April 2019. However, the pair parted ways. In 2021, Ishita tied the knot.
Neelam career
In the last nine years, Neelam has made appearances in Telugu and Tamil movies. Her debut came with the Telugu film 'Mr. 7' two years after her first film was shelved in 2010. She appeared in her first Tamil film, 'Unnodu Oru Naal', the following year. She last appeared on screen in 'Tamasha', a Telugu movie released in 2018.