New Delhi: The official handle of actor and reality TV star Poonam Pandey announced on Friday that she has passed away due to cervical cancer. The news of her sudden death shocked everyone, with many being sceptical and considering it some stunt. Designer Rohit Verma posted a long note on Instagram remembering the actor. He also wrote that he shot with Poonam two days back and is shocked by the news of her death.

Rohit posted a video from their shoot and wrote, “You are a gift❤️ A very unique FREQUENCY. Through which you share your POWERFUL GIFTS with the world . There is a GREAT PLAN for earth and it includes YOU❤️ You INCARNATED here at this time because of how important you are to the Divine Plan❤️ Keep being YOU❤️ the UNAPOLOGETIC, MOST FREE version of yourself. Keep doing what you’re doing Keep EVOLVING,always push the limit of self- growth . Stop underestimating or belittling yourself . Tell the inner critic that his or her voice is no longer needed. Become your biggest cheerleader. Your biggest fan You are IMPORTANT you are Precious . You are Adored and you are Loved❤️ 
Shocked beyond words - Poonam shot with me for my new collection just two days back and now I get this most shocking news of her passing away. A wonderful human being and a girl with a golden heart - Poonam gone to soon…. 💔💔 

The statement on Poonam’s official Instagram handle read, “This morning is a tough one for us. Deeply saddened to inform you that we have lost our beloved Poonam to cervical cancer. Every living form that ever came in contact with her was met with pure love and kindness. In this time of grief, we would request for privacy while we remember her fondly for all that we shared.” 

The news of Poonam's death could not be independently verified by ABP Live, though the actor's PR team told us that the "news is true". 

Born in Kanpur, Poonam initially gained fame when she promised to strip naked if the Indian cricket team won the 2011 Cricket World Cup. While she didn't follow through with the promise, it garnered her significant media attention. 

Poonam's acting career started in 2013 with the controversial film 'Nasha' which was an erotic thriller. She was also seen in 'Malini & Co.' and 'The Journey of Karma'. While her film career didn't reach mainstream heights, she stayed in the limelight for her bold choices.