New Delhi: Legendary singer Pankaj Udhas, known for his soulful voice and captivating ghazals, passed away on Monday in Mumbai at the age of 72. The singer rose to national fame with the iconic song 'Chitthi Aai Hai' from the 1986 movie 'Naam.' The song's enduring popularity even led to its selection among the top 100 songs of the millennium by BBC Radio worldwide. Interestingly, Udhas initially refused to be a part of the iconic song.  

In a past interview with Lehren, he had shared that he didn't call back the film's producer after being offered the song. The film's producer, Rajendra Kumar, called him unprofessional and not having any etiquette.   

“When this film was being made, I was considered for this particular song. I got scared because I never was cut out to be an actor in the first place. And I never wanted to be an actor. I told Rajendra Kumar ji that I’ll revert soon. But, I didn’t call him back. He really got mad then. Then he called my eldest brother, Manhar ji. He said, ‘Your brother has no etiquette and no courtesy. Koi tameez nahi hai,’ the late singer told Lehren. 

He added, “Manhar Ji then called me and asked me, ‘What’s the problem?’ So, I told him that I can’t act in movies. So my brother suggested that if I don’t want to act in the film, I must call the producer and tell him. So, I called him, apologized and said that I don’t want to act in the film. He said, ‘Who asked you to act in the film?’ He then told me that he wants me to appear in the film as Pankaj Udhas.” 

Naam was directed by Mahesh Bhatt and stars Nutan, Sanjay Dutt, Kumar Gaurav and Poonam Dhillon. 

Pankaj Udhas' legacy extends far beyond this one song. He leaves behind a rich musical tapestry of over 60 albums and countless captivated fans.