Pakistani actor Sarwat Gilani, who was seen in the internationally acclaimed film 'Joyland', recently shared her personal battle with postpartum depression following the birth of her daughter. In a candid interview with ARY Digital, Gilani revealed the emotional turmoil she faced and her initial struggle to bond with her newborn. 

Sarwat Gilani on postpartum depression

Reflecting on her experience, Gilani explained, "During that time, I truly understood what postpartum depression is. I didn’t meet my baby until four days after giving birth due to a serious surgery. Both my baby and I were struggling—she with feeding and I with my mental state. I felt so overwhelmed that I thought it might be better to let her go to alleviate my stress. When I confided in Fahad, telling him that I wanted to harm our newborn, he reassured me that these were just postpartum blues." 

She continued, "It’s crucial to understand that these feelings are not permanent. They’re part of a temporary mental state caused by postpartum depression. Awareness is key—understanding that these strange feelings are not a reflection of who you are but rather the result of your current mental condition. It’s important to educate oneself about postpartum depression to better cope with it. During that stage, anything can happen."

Sarwat's Instagram post

Sarwat also shared the video on her Instagram raising awareness about postpartum depression. She wrote, "Postpartum Depression is real, do not ignore it, read about it, be empathetic towards women, daughters, sisters and wives going through it. For further information on this topic please contact your physician. Turn your struggle into strength."

About Sarwat Gilani

Sarwat Gilani made her acting debut in the Pakistani telefilm 'Shadi Aur Tum Say?' and her first theatrical release was 'Jawani Phir Nahi Ani.' She reprised her role in the sequel 'Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2.' She received acclaim for her supporting role in Saim Sadiq's 'Joyland.' 

Sarwat Gilani married actor and renowned plastic surgeon Fahad Mirza in 2014. The couple has two sons and a daughter: their eldest son, Rohan Mirza, born in 2015; their younger son, Ariz Muhammad Mirza, born in 2017; and their daughter, born in December 2023.