New Delhi: Orry, whose real name is Orhan Awatramani, has finally revealed that he receives payments of between Rs 20 and Rs 30 lakhs for taking pictures. The revelation came from the Internet sensation during his brief appearances on the reality show Bigg Boss 17, which is hosted by Salman Khan. Orry is often seen posing with Bollywood superstars.

In 'Bigg Boss 17', Orry made a comment that grabbed headlines and left host Salman Khan dumbfounded. He revealed that he is paid a whopping amount of Rs 20–30 lakhs for taking pictures of celebrities.

Orry has now stated that he would be living a better life and wouldn't be 'slogging' if he had such a large sum of money.

Orry told IANS, "I love the statement I made about selfies, it was an exaggeration and I love how it has made headlines," in response to whether he truly makes that much money from them.

He said he wouldn't have been "slogging" and would have been living on an island if he had made that much money from photos.

“I wish I made that much money per selfie you would see me on an island in a yacht living the life and you wouldn’t see me slogging it out and working like a dog in Bombay I would be living more than I had lived,” he said.

"I'd be lucky if I got 20-30 rupees for selfies but yeah that is the honest truth," he added.

For a few months now, Orry has been the buzz of the town since he has been spotted mingling with Bollywood celebrities of all ages at almost every party. Numerous news articles have discussed Orhan Awatramani's personal and professional connections to the Bollywood industry. In spite of this, the public knows very little about his career. 

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