New Delhi: Veteran actor Neena Gupta had a rather unusual experience at the Bareilly airport, where she was denied entry at the 'reserved lounge'. Taking to her official Instagram handle, Neena Gupta shared a video from the airport and said she considers herself as one of the VIPs, and will now work harder to actually become one. Soon after,she shared the video, a section of fans stood by her and defended her on Instagram

In the video, Neena Gupta is seen inside the airport offered a glimpse of the lounge in question. 

She shared in Hindi which loosely translates to, " Hello, I am speaking from Bareilly airport. This is the reserved lounge where I had sat once, but today I am not allowed. I thought the reserved lounge was for VIPs, and I thought I was one, but I am yet to be one. Which is good, because this will motivate me to work harder and become a VIP. Thanks so much."


Soon after she shared the video, a user wrote, "What nonsense Bareilly airport staff... Ridiculous. Mam you are such a down-to-earth person.” “Hahaha mam you are already VIP for many, love you always,” added another. Another said, “You might not be VIP for them but you are special… Extra special for all of us!”

Neena Gupta has been working in the entertainment industry for the last 40 years. 

She was last seen in the series 'Charlie Chopra and The Mystery of Solang Valley' alongside Naseeruddin Shah, Ratna Pathak, Vivan Shah ad Imaad Shah. Lara Dutta, Gulshan Grover, Priyanshi Painyuli were also seen in pivotal roles in the web series.