New Delhi: Mahhi Vij and Jay Bhanushali became parents in 2019 with the help of IVF (In vitro fertilization). Their first child, a girl named Tara, was a blessing. They adopted Rajveer, a boy, and Khushi, a girl, in 2017. Mahhi recently disclosed her IVF experience, including the fact that she was originally pregnant with twins. Sadly, she had to endure the death of one of her twins. The actress said that Tara, her daughter, has an A+ blood type, while her second child was A. The second child could not survive. 

Recently, Mahhi Vij recalled her IVF experience. The 41-year-old actress dropped a YouTube video where she talked about her IVF journey. 

Mahhi Vij reflected on the past and said, "I asked for the reports through a friend’s mail and not Jay’s mail. But my friend couldn’t understand and he sent it to Jay. Jay told me that I am pregnant with twins. I started crying. I prayed and informed our parents and close friends. In the first trimester, I was on complete bed rest. I would only go for sonography and a nurse would visit home to give me the injections. I became much quieter at that time."

While discussing the death of one of her twins, the actress said, "In IVF, there are chances of having multiple babies. Our Taru was A+ and the other baby was A. The baby couldn’t survive. The doctors said it was good that it’s leaving because most of the times it leaves along with the A+ baby. I was praying that it’s not our fate to have them both but atleast one should be with us."

One of her fans asked the star why she picked IVF instead of surrogacy or adoption. Mahhi replied, "We did have surrogacy in mind. The first doctor told me, ‘why do you want to spoil your body?’ I felt a bit weird. But I wanted to do it myself. Yes, had we failed, then I would have gone for surrogacy."

Mahhi also opened up about her hormonal changes and mood swings during the IVF process.

On the professional front, Mahhi's most recent television appearance was in the programme 'Laal Ishq,' 

ALSO READ: World IVF Day 2023: Decoding The Right Time For IVF — The Right Age And Prerequisites