New Delhi: Actor R Madhavan attended the banquet dinner held by French President Emmanuel Macron for Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Louvre Museum on Saturday. The actor took to Instagram sharing the pictures from the banquet dinner and said he was in awe of the two leaders who "passionately described their vision for the future of these two great friendly nations" at the event.
In an Instagram post, Madhavan expressed his gratitude to Macron and Modi for "the incredible lesson on grace and humility".
"The passion and dedication to do good for the Indo French relationship, as well as for the people of both countries was palpable and intense during the Bastille day celebration in Paris on the 14th of July 2023. I was in complete awe at the dinner hosted by the President Emmanuel Macron in honor of our Honorable, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at the Louvre, of both these world leaders, as they passionately described their vision for the future of these two great friendly nations.”
"The positivity and mutual respect in the air was like a loving embrace... May France and India forever prosper together," the actor-filmmaker wrote alongside a series of photographs from the banquet dinner.
Madhavan further shared how Macron offered to take a selfie with Modi and him.
"I sincerely pray that their vision and dreams bear fruit for all of us at the desired and appropriate time. President Macron eagerly took a selfie for us while our Honorable Prime Minister very graciously and sweetly stood up to be part of it.. a moment that will be forever etched in my mind for both the uniqueness and impact of that picture," the 53-year-old added in his post.
Macron and First Lady Brigitte Macron on Friday hosted a banquet dinner for Modi at the iconic museum here.
The Indian prime minister, who arrived here on Thursday on a two-day visit, also graced the Bastille Day parade, part of the French National Day celebrations, as the guest of honour.
The actor, who directed "Rocketry: The Nambi Effect", also wished the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for the successful third edition of India's moon mission, Chandrayaan-3. New