A picture of Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan and Aryan Khan offering prayers at Mecca have been doing the rounds on social media since New Year's Day. While many have poured their love and best wishes, there is also speculation that the pictures might be fake. As per an NDTV report, the pictures of SRK, Gauri and Aryan might be doctored using AI.
What is the picture?
In the viral picture, we see Gauri Khan in a black kurti sporting a grey hijab smiling at SRK, who looks serious in a white kurta, standing in front of her. Aryan is also seen behind Gauri, wearing a white kurta, and looking at Shah Rukh. The backdrop of the holy shrine of Mecca and its landscape forms the backdrop.
As per the NDTV report, the viral picture of the Khan family at Mecca is in fact fake. It has been generated using Deepfake or other Artificial Intelligence technology. While many portals claimed that the picture is real, others pointed out that it is AI-generated.
What does Gauri believe about SRK's religion?
On 'Koffee with Karan Season 2' in 2005, Gauri told show host and film-producer Karan Johar, "There is a balance. I respect Shah Rukh's religion, but that doesn't mean I would convert and become a Muslim. I don't believe in that. Everyone is an individual and follows their religion. Of course, there should be mutual respect. Shah Rukh would never disrespect my religion, and I wouldn't disrespect his.”
About SRK & Gauri
SRK and Gauri began dating in Delhi in the late 80s and tied the knot in 1991. The two had a love marriage, and Gauri's family was initially reluctant about their relationship. The two have three children- Aryan, Suhana Khan and AbRam Khan.
SRK work front
Shah Rukh Khan will next be seen in Siddharth Anand's crime drama 'King', in which he will be seen alongside Suhana Khan.