Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, who recently appeared in Singham Again, shared a sweet moment with her followers on Instagram, revealing how her elder son, Taimur, helps her with “seva.”
On Saturday, Kareena posted three pictures of Taimur, wearing a black suit, walking in her stilettos, with his back facing the camera. Along with the images, she wrote in the caption, "MAA ki seva iss saal and forever Happy New Year friends. More pictures coming soon, stay tuned."
Kareena, who hails from Bollywood’s first film family, has a deep understanding of what resonates with audiences. Recently speaking about what makes a movie truly successful, she shared her perspective on the modern film industry. According to the actress, the key to a film's success is simple: it must create magic. She said, “The formula for a movie to work is simple: create magic. Whether it’s through powerful emotions, gripping action, or unforgettable music, if it leaves you inspired and moved in those 2-2.5 hours, it’s a success.”
She further emphasized that the essence of a memorable film lies in its ability to move the audience during its runtime. “In a movie, there has to be magic. In those 2-2.5 hours, something needs to touch you—whether it’s the action, the music, or the story. That’s what makes it unforgettable,” Kareena added.
Her words reflect the core of Bollywood’s storytelling tradition, where films are not only meant to entertain but to leave a lasting impact on the audience. Kareena also shared a series of pictures from her visit to the Red Sea Film Festival on her Instagram.
On the professional front, Kareena was last seen in Singham Again, which had a box-office clash with Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, starring Kartik Aaryan.
( with inputs from agencies)