New Delhi: Karan Deol, son of Sunny Deol, recently tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend, Drisha Acharya. After the ceremony, the couple had a reception that same evening. Numerous celebs and friends of the pair attended the reception. Now, the pair are reportedly on a honeymoon in Manali, Himachal Pradesh. Last night, actor Sunny Deol organised a reception party for his son Karan Deol and daughter-in-law Drisha Acharya at Dashal village in Manali. He invited the local people as well.

Sunny Deol reached Manali's Dashal village with his newly married son. Dham (feast after the wedding in Himachal Pradesh) was organised for the villagers.

Karan Deol has posted many photos from his trip to Manali on his Instagram account. 

The first image shows a breathtaking scene with clouds, mountains, and greenery all coming together. Karan's fondness for dogs is also apparent in yet another photo. In a video clip, he can be seen playing football. 

Karan Deol and Drisha Acharya's wedding

Actor Karan Deol, the grandson of legendary actor Dharmendra, got married to Drisha Acharya, on Sunday, in Mumbai. In the company of friends and family, the couple wed in a private ceremony. Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Ranveer Singh, and Deepika Padukone were all present at the Deol family's lavish wedding reception for Karan and Drisha after the ceremony.

Karan Deol shared a love note for his wife Drisha as she shared first pictures from the wedding. He wrote, "You are my today and all of my tomorrows ❤️ The beginning of a beautiful journey in our lives. We are overwhelmingly thankful for the abundant blessings and well wishes that surround us!"

ALSO READ: Ranveer Singh Attends The Sangeet Ceremony Of Karan Deol And Drisha Acharya, Lifts The Groom While Dancing