New Delhi: Kajal Aggarwal has moved into a brand-new, ultra-luxurious home. The actress recently relocated to the house of her dreams and shared the news in an Instagram post. To announce the joy, Kajal posted some photos with her husband, Gauta and son Neil, doing Griha Pravesh puja. Photographs of the ceremony captured the three of them seated by the hawan kund while the priest recited mantras.
While doing Griha Pravesh Puja with husband Gautam Kitchlu and kid Neil, the actress turned to her Instagram account to share a touching message. Kajal wrote, "So many emotions while I share this with you. Had our Grah Pravesh puja earlier this week for our holy abode, a labour of love that is now our home! Feeling so blessed and our hearts are filled with immense gratitude."
Along with the post, the actress also uploaded some family photos taken at their new home. Kajal Aggarwal can be seen wearing a light pink kurta with a yellow dupatta and palazzo in the photos, and she shines in the ensemble. Her son Neil was dressed dress just like his mother in a baby pink kurta and pyjamas. On the other side, Gautam Kitchlu wore a bright yellow kurta with white pyjama and a red shawl.
Kajal Aggarwal got married to Gautam Kitchlu, a successful businessman, on October 30, 2020. A year and a half later, on April 19, 2022, they announced the birth of their first child, Neil Kitchlu. Since then, the internet has been completely captivated by the sweet family of three.
Kajal most recently worked with Aditi Rao Hydari and Dulquer Salmaan in the movie ‘Hey Sinamika’. She also appeared in recently released Anil Ravipudi's film 'Bhagavanth Kesari'.
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