New Delhi: Jennifer Lopez turned 55 on Wednesday. The singer-actor hosted a grand Bridgerton-themed party and wore a ball gown designed by Indian celebrity designer Manish Malhotra. The birthday party also saw a majestic chariot, a stunning three-tiered cake, ballroom dancing and more.
Jennifer Lopez wears Manish Malhotra
Manish Malhotra shared intricate details of the outfit and explained the concept and the hardwork put into assembling the Victorian-era inspired gown.
Manish Malhotra shared that the gown took around 40 artisans and over 3490 hours to make the gown. He shared pictures of JLo and wrote, "An honour to Dress the Iconic @jlo ♥️for her Birthday with the fun The BRIDGERTON Theme party .. Custom Couture .. Corset and the Victorian Skirt with Vintage Brocade . Crafted by 40 artisans over 3,490 hours, the corset and Victorian skirt features a floral motif moulded by hand from sequins and over half a million crystals. Petal and ring-shaped metal sequins were especially treated to preserve their hue to craft this ensemble, a celebration of intricate artistry and Indian craftsmanship.”
Soon after Manish Malhotra shared the news on Gram, several celebrities congratulated Manish Malhotra on the feat. Sara Ali Khan wrote, "Wow 🙌❤️👏🤩.” Meanwhile, Malaika Arora wrote, "This is awesome Manu❤️❤️❤️.”
Jennifer enjoyed her birthday bash to the fullest. She shared a video from the event inspired by the Netflix series 'Bridgerton' which shows musicians and guests dressed in 19th-century costumes, with performers dancing at traditional balls. The singer-actor also performed for her guests. The video ended with Jennifer blowing out candles on her cake. She captioned the video, "Dearest Gentle Reader… And a splendid evening was had by all.”
On the other hand, rumours of a potential split between Jennifer and her husband, Ben Affleck, have only gathered storm after his absence from her birthday celebration.