New Delhi: Anushka Sharma headed to Mumbai on Wednesday to cheer on Virat Kohli in the India vs. New Zealand World Cup semifinal. There are a ton of photos and videos floating around social media of Anushka watching Virat and Team India play in the World Cup semifinal at Wankhede Stadium. The actor and cricket player shared a cute moment on camera when they gave each other flying kisses.
For the match, Anushka chose bright yellow, white, and black attire. She also attended the game in Bengaluru on November 12, when India defeated the Netherlands in an ICC Cricket World Cup match.
Check out the video here:
Prior to that, a video that captured Anushka and Virat walking through a hotel lobby became viral a few days ago. Fans soon started to say that the actor looked to be expecting.
Weeks after reports about Anushka's alleged second pregnancy began to circulate, the video was released. Earlier, Anushka was seen requesting that the paparazzi not record her while she was seated inside her car in the video. Many social media users are wishing Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma well and sending love and blessings in the comments section of the video.
After dating for a while, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Italy in 2017. Only the couple's family members and a select group of close friends attended the highly private ceremony that took place in Italy. In January 2021, they welcomed Vamika, their daughter.