Deepika Padukone, Bollywood’s reigning queen ans style icon, has consistently turned heads at major global events with her sartorial picks. Known for her knack to effortlessly pull off any look, Deepika continues to slay effortlessly, even during her pregnancy. Since announcing her pregnancy, Deepika has been seasmelessly acing the maternity looks. From twirling in a vibrant yellow dress or rocking her signature style in a crisp white shirt and denim pants, the mom-to-be is keeps setting new fashion standards.
For the first time, Deepika showed off her baby bump when she stepped out to cast her vote with her husband, Ranveer Singh. The starlet was seen twinning with Ranveer in white shirts and blue jeans. Later, she dropped another look while basking in the glow of her pregnancy. She wore a cotton midi dress designed by Gauri & Nainika.
Maternity outfits can be tricky, but not for celebrities, it seems. Bollywood stars have been flaunting that baby bump while maintaining a personal style at various stages of pregnancy. Previously, Sonam Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were seen in public as they showcased some great-looking maternity outfits. The actors didn’t sit out an entire season or stick to baggy dresses.
Sonam Kapoor, who is a true-blue fashionista, never disappointed as she flaunted her baby bump with grace. The actor always picked chic maternity looks, showcasing a mix of flowing maxis and tailored blazers. She was often spotted blending comfort and elegance.
Meanwhile, Alia and Anushka shattered stereotypes about frumpy maternity wear and highlighted their natural beauty and serene pregnancy glow.
However, when it comes to maternity fashion in Bollywood, Kareena Kapoor Khan remains the quintessential trendsetter. As the OG diva, she revolutionised pregnancy style and boldly dismissed the outdated idea of matronly maternity wear. Kareena embraced a wide array of looks, setting new benchmarks for moms-to-be everywhere.
Throughout her two pregnancies, Kareena has shown that maternity fashion can be chic and comfortable simultaneously. She always flaunted her baby bump in style and some of our favourite Kareena Kapoor pregnancy outfits.