New Delhi: In the controversial reality show ‘Bigg Boss17’, Aoora was a wildcard entry. It seems that his family is unhappy with the BB makers. According to a statement from his family, the singer's "kindness and innocence" are being mocked due to the language barrier in BB house. The singer's family voiced their displeasure with the K-pop star's treatment on the show, namely the disrespect he has received because of his language barrier and the little screen time he has received.
According to a Bigg Boss fan page account on X, the family expressed their disappointment over the way their son’s innocence was being belittled in the house.
The statement reads: “As his family and as someone who knows him well, we are saddened by how his kindness and innocence are being mocked inside the house. He is a kind and caring person who believes in anyone nice to him. We firmly believe good vibes and love transcend language barriers. He has been trying to connect with everyone, understand them, and learn more. It would be appreciated if everyone could respect his kindness and focus on enjoying the experience rather than engaging in mockery.”
The singer's family insisted on more screen time. They wrote, “We are also upset that Aoora is not getting the screen time he deserves. Is it that he is not being considered as someone who can win this show? We strongly feel that he is more entertaining and interesting than many others inside the house,” they said.
Meanwhile, Ayesha Khan, Munawar Faruqui's ex-girlfriend, has just recently entered the show, further inflaming the already volatile dynamics inside the BB house.