New Delhi: Amid the ongoing violence in Bangladesh, Bollywood celebs Kangana Ranaut, Raveena Tandon, Sonam Kapoor and others have prayed for the neighbouring country. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who governed the South Asian country for 15 years, stepped down as prime minister and fled the country on Monday amid widespread protests. What started as a demonstration against a job quota system eventually escalated into a mass movement calling for her removal from power. Assaults on Hindu minorities have surged since she left the country.

Actress Raveena Tandon took to X to address the recent violence and persecution faced by minority communities in Bangladesh. She wrote, "I express my solidarity with the victims and call for an immediate end to this violence. It is essential that Global leaders and influencers, especially from India, speak out against these atrocities and work together to protect the rights and dignity of all people. We must not remain silent in the face of such suffering."

Sonam Kapoor also took to Instagram stories to address the situation, writing, "This is horrible, let's all pray for Bangladeshi people."

Sonu Sood tweeted about being responsible as a citizen to help Bangladesh. He wrote, "We should do our best to bring back all our fellow Indians from Bangladesh, so they get a good life here. This is not just the responsibility of our Government which is doing its best but also all of us."

ALSO READ: Bangladesh Crisis: Actor Shanto Khan And Producer Selim Khan Lynched By Mob, Bengali Actors React

Kangana Ranaut's post on Bangladesh crisis

Actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut used X to criticise Muslim-majority nations for their lack of security.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Hasina, the former prime minister of Bangladesh, arrived in India on the evening of August 5. External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar announced an all-party meeting on August 6 that India had offered support to her.