New Delhi: Oscar award-winning composer AR Rahman’s concert in Chennai on Sunday received a lot of flak because of poor management. The fans slammed the organisers and the music composer on social media and complained about the volume being low and barely audible to many, and overcrowding. While many wrote about not getting entry despite having the tickets. AR Rahman on Monday reacted to it asking fans to send across a picture of their tickets along with the grievances they faced at the venue.
The music composer took to X and wrote, “Dearest Chennai Makkale, those of you who purchased tickets and weren’t able to enter owing to unfortunate circumstances, please do share a copy of your ticket purchase to along with your grievances. Our team will respond asap🙏@BToSproductions @actcevents.”
Mismanagement, stampede-like situation, overcrowded, and bad audio at the AR Rahman concert
The concert, titled ‘Marakuma Nenjam', was held in Adityaram Palace City in East Coast Road, Chennai on Sunday evening. Many fans expressed their disappointment and anger on X about the mismanagement and wrote about their experience.
A user wrote, “Very badly organised concert. Waste of money. Energy. Felt a huge sense of betrayal. I was feeling so stressed than good vibes because of so many fights and shit that was going around! Unfair max was No proper sound !”
“Paid 15k for this shit view. Almost died in the stampede. People were overflowing from every f****ng corner. No chairs for anyone. No audio for anyone. Well orchestrated shitshow @arrahman. Never ever attending your concert. Ever,” commented another user.
A fan on X wrote, ''The most bizarre experience ever! It was the worst ever concert that I have attended. VIP zone tickets were priced at 25000 and 50000 and there was no security, every zone was one. The organisers over-sold the tickets. The seats were all off-center. Even in the VIP area, there was no stage view. No bouncers to man the areas!!! The entry demarcations were missing! everyone was entering from everywhere. It was like a stampede and no one to manage! What a disgrace.''
Many users posted videos from the concert showing stampede-like situation. Watch the videos here:
The organiser of the concert, ACTC Events also shared a tweet on Monday, “Grateful to Chennai and the legendary @arrahman Sir! The incredible response, the overwhelming crowd made our show a massive success. Those who couldn't attend on overcrowding, Our sincere apologies. We take full responsibility and accountable. We are with you. #MarakkumaNenjam.”