New Delhi: Anil Kapoor has reacted to his ongoing rift with brother Boney Kapoor. Weeks after Boney Kapoor shared that Anil Kapoor was not on talking terms with him as the latter was upset about not being cast in 'No Entry', Anil Kapoor has commented on the alleged rift. As the veteran actor is prmotong the upcoming season of 'Bigg Boss OTT', when he was asked about the rift, the actor deflected from the question by saying that it was 'family matter'.

Anil Kapoor on rift with Boney Kapoor

When he was asked, he told DNA, “Ghar ki baat hai, ghar mein rehne do. Use kya discuss karna (It is a personal matter, what is the point of discussing it.) When Anil was told that Boney's statement, he said, "Haan toh koi nahi. Aage badho( It's okay. We should move on). When the star was prodded further baout it, he said, "Dekho ghar ki baat ko kya discuss karna (What's the point of discussing family matters. And, he (Boney) is never wrong.”

No Entry cast

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For those unaware the rift between the two brothers began when Boney decided not to cast Anil in the 'No Entry' sequel and did not inform him privately. 'No Entry 2' stars Diljit Dosanjh, Varun Dhawan and Arjun Kapoor with Aneez Bazmee as the director of the film.

Boney Kapoor on rift

“Before I could tell my brother Anil about the No Entry sequel and the cast involved, he got angry as the news was already leaked. It was unfortunate that it was leaked. I know he wanted to be a part of the No Entry sequel, but there was no space. I wanted to explain why I did what I did.” Boney shared with Zoom.

“I love him too dearly, I just can’t do anything to hurt him. This is something professional, so I have to follow the diktat of the director, who calls the shots," Boney Kapoor told News 18 Showsha that he and Anil were not talking to each other.