Kiara Advani, who recently celebrated her ten years in Bollywood, is one of the most beloved actors in the Hindi film industry. However, a viral interview with an air hostess reveals that the actor is apparently full of attitude in real life. Kiara has often played characters on the silver screen that won over the audience. But, as per the interview, the actor seems to be quite the opposite of her on-screen personas.
Air hostess recalls encounter with Kiara Advani
During a conversation with the YouTube channel ‘SARA With Bhaichara’, the flight attendant claimed that Kiara has a lot of attitude. She said that the actor gave a rude response when her crew offered the actor almonds and cashews. She apparently asked them to call her assistant, who would give her cashews.
“She didn’t even talk to them, and I was like, ‘thank god, I didn’t go there’,” she added.
The viral clip has now been re-shared on Instagram and many netizens have reated to the video in the comment section.
One comment read: "I don’t understand whats the hype with this kiara .. she never tries to remain simple sober always wear such revealing clothes and tries to copy other whereas look at alia the class she is maintaining." Another user wrote, "Kiara is just average sobo girl married to the handsome guy attitude toh hoga hi na."
Flight attendant says Ananya Panday was the funniest of them all
She also said that Ananya Panday was the funniest of them all. According to the flight attendant, the actor wanted to go to the washroom just before landing. The crew was making sure that the passengers were in their seats. However, Ananya told the flight attendants, “I really want to go to the washroom! I cannot handle it.”
“We were stopping other passengers, but how could we stop her? We just asked her to go and return as soon as possible,” said the crew member.