New Delhi: Shweta Tripathi Sharma was recently seen in 'Kaalkoot', in which she played the role of an acid assault survivor. She is known on social media by her quirky username. The actress has now revealed the inspiration behind her Instagram handle "battatawada". For the unversed, Batata vada is the most popular Maharashtrian snack. These are potato fritter dumplings covered in batter and fried for a tasty snack. Shweta said that an actor is like a ‘Batata’ (potato) because it can take the flavour of anything.
In a chat with ABP Live, Shweta Tripathi Sharma talked about the importance of batata (potato) in people’s life and how she wants to be the same. She said, Jo aaloo hota h na, aap chahe veg ho ya vegan ho, ya duniya me aap boston me ho ya banaras me ho, aaloo aisi cheej hai jo humesha avaialble hoti h. Batata/aloo kisi bhi chij ka flavour le leta h. So, as an actor that is what I want to be. (Whether you are vegetarian or vegan, whether you are in Boston or Banaras, potato is always available for you. It has a dominant flavour in any dish and that is what I want to be as an actor.)”
Giving the reference to her latest web series ‘Kaalkoot’, she said, “When you see me on screen, you see Parul (Shweta’s character in ‘Kaalkoot’) first and then Shweta. Not the other way around. You can make a Chinese dish with potatoes and you can also eat it in India during fast. It takes the flavour of whatever and however, you wanted it to be.”
She also added, “From french fries to pakodas, who doesn’t like potatoes? That's why as an actor, I want to be like a batata that just comes into your life and becomes a staple part of your diet and yet exciting. You can never get bored of potatoes. Everyone’s happy eating potato dishes and that is how I want to be in people's life.”
On the work front, Shweta will be next seen in the highly anticipated crime thriller 'Mirzapur 3'.