Mumbai: The CBI is on Day 2 of its investigation in the case of actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death - his fans, well-wishers and family members are awaiting the conclusions reached as a lot continues to be said about the late actor and the circumstances in which he died or as per Mumbai Police's investigation died by suicide. ALSO READ | Model Jameela Calcuttawala Identified As The 'Mystery Woman' Outside Sushant Singh Rajput's Home After His Death On June 14?

Here is what we know so far, with respect to what CBI is going to do in its investigation:


Reportedly, CBI recreated the scene as on the day Sushant was found dead in his Bandra residence. For this, as per reports, CBI has sought photographs of the late actor's room from the Mumbai police.

Postmortem Report: 

Details of the postmortem report will also be carefully examined, to check whether the postmortem was carried out properly and if all necessary information has been listed. For this, it will seek the help of Dr. Sudhir Gupta, head of the Forensics Department at AIIMS Hospital.

"The CBI has contacted us and they wanted a competent medical board to examine the postmortem report, the crime scene and give an opinion along with the request to visit Mumbai to cross verify the facts," Dr. Sudhir Gupta said. The forensic report will also be looked into in detail.

Examining Residence: 

The CBI team reached his residence at 2:25 pm and was there for over 5 hours. They went there with Sushant's flatmate Siddharth Pithani, cook Neeraj and staff member Deepesh Sawant, 3 individuals who were present in the premises on the day of death. A forensic team also accompanied them.


More statements will be recorded in connection with the case and the existing statements recorded by the Mumbai police will be cross-checked to see any discrepancies in describing the events or what all went on around Sushant.

Doctors & Experts: 

The Bureau will contact and examine doctors and other experts involved in carrying out the autopsy. A team of investigators reached Cooper hospital today where the postmortem was done by three doctors.

Questioning Senior Officials: 

As informed, senior police officials may be questioned to seek more information and clarity about the investigation so far. However, this if at all required, will only happen at a later stage. In that case, the officers will be officially summoned.

ALSO READ | CBI Seeks AIIMS Forensic Dept's Opinion On Sushant Singh Rajput's Autopsy Report

The team of CBI officials from Delhi along with the forensic team took over the case documents, all the evidence collected so far and statements recorded to date, among other details, from the Mumbai Police in the morning.

Now that the Central Bureau Of Investigation (CBI) has taken over the case of actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death after Supreme Court cleared the way for the same, all eyes are on the probe to finally end the mystery around the case.