Veteran Actor Brijendra Kala is back to the screens with his film 'Good Luck' on April 5. Based on a story of a 75-year-old woman's unexpected pregnancy, the film, directed by Prakhar Shrivastava, will mark the debut of 80-year-old Malti Mathur as the lead actress, playing Kala's mother. Produced under the Asha Azad Films banner, 'Good Luck' also features Manisha Chitrode, Azad Jain, Tulika Banerjee, Ashutosh Upadhyay, Pannkaj Waagle, Sagar Shende, Ayushi Shukla, Keshav Sharma, Bhushan Jain, and Virendra Nathaniel in prominent roles.

Here's why you shouldn't miss out on this gem:

  1. An Outlandishly Funny Plot: Prepare to be amused as 'Good Luck' unfolds the improbable tale of Brijendra Kala's septuagenarian mother finding herself expecting! This absurd premise sets the stage for a series of uproarious events as the family navigates through the incredulous news.

  2. Brijendra Kala's Comic Genius: Renowned for his impeccable comedic timing, Brijendra Kala promises to keep you in stitches with his portrayal of a son grappling with his mother's eccentric pregnancy. His wit and humour are bound to elicit hearty laughs.

  3. Satirical Insights into Social Media Mania: Beyond the laughs, 'Good Luck' cleverly satirises our society's obsession with social media. It sheds light on how our incessant quest for online validation can spiral into ludicrous scenarios, serving up a dose of witty critique.

  4. Heartfelt Family Dynamics: Beneath its comedic façade, 'Good Luck' delves into the intricacies of familial bonds, showcasing the lengths individuals go to for their loved ones. Expect touching moments that tug at your heartstrings amidst the laughter.

  5. A Breath of Fresh Air: With its unique storyline, stellar ensemble cast, and a perfect blend of humor and sentiment, this movie promises an enjoyable cinematic experience.

Talking about what prompted him to take up the film, Brijendra Kala said,"I'm absolutely thrilled to be working on this movie. The filmmakers approached me with the screenplay, and I absolutely adored it. 'Good Luck' promises a heartwarming story with a sharp satirical edge, skewering our social media-obsessed culture, all while weaving in suspense that will leave a lasting impression." 

Giving insights about his role, he stated, "I'm playing Pappi, an aspiring politician whose meticulously crafted plans are thrown into hilarious disarray by the unexpected news of his mother's pregnancy. As Pappi navigates the delicate dance between his political ambitions and this unforeseen turn of events, the situation spirals into delightful chaos." 

ALSO READ: 'This Film Is A Powerful Reminder Of The Importance Of Cherishing Our Elders': Veteran Actor Brijendra Kala On 'Good Luck'