New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Amitabh Bachchan starrer ‘Brahmastra’ is out in the theatres. The Ayan Mukerji directorial, that took over five years to complete, had an excellent advance booking owing to a lot of positive buzz around the film. As per the latest reports, the film is off to a flying start at the box office.
According to Box Office India, the occupancy rate over the morning and early afternoon shows is around 45-50% with many cinemas seeing 100 plus audience in the morning shows. Going by the trend, the film is expected to earn around Rs 25 crore on its first day.
The opening of the film is very good in metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Pune, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. The opening in mass pockets is reportedly lower compared to multiplexes but still, it is far better than the films that have been released in the last few weeks.
‘Brahmastra’ has lower occupancy than Ranbir’s biggest hit ‘Sanju’ as the film had huge growth at mass circuits. Expectations are still high that ‘Brahamastra’ will end up becoming the biggest blockbuster of Ranbir Kapoor’s career.
Brahmastra Review
The film has majorly got good reviews by the critics and audience alike. ABP Live’s review of the film describes the film as a new benchmark for the fantasy-adventure genre in Indian filmmaking.
The review read: “'Brahmastra' starring Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Mouni Roy, Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, Shah Rukh Khan creates and sets a new benchmark for the fantasy-adventure genre in Indian filmmaking. Ayan Mukerji manages to create a wondrous spectacle by mixing genres and influences from the Western( particularly, American) and Indian canon and mythology.
There is so much hard work put into 'Brahmastra'. Particularly the special effects, the mixing and owing of genre conventions, and through Alia and Ranbir's performances for which 'Brahmastra' deserves its due respect and place in Indian cinematic history.”