New Delhi: 'Brahmastra' starring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, and Mouni Roy has had an excellent opening weekend at the box office. However, on Tuesday, the film saw a noticeable drop in collections, reported Box Office India. The collections fell mostly in national chains across the country while the multiplexes continue to do well in comparison. The Ayan Mukerji directorial has already collected Rs. 225 crores globally at the box office.

According to a Box Office India report, "collections went down around 20% for a total of around 11-11.25 crore nett in Hindi and 12.50 crore nett for all languages. The drop is not huge but it is a little more than it should be as a 15% drop is fine for a film that is collecting well and 20% is a little on the higher side. But this can easily be recovered if the drop is 10% tomorrow as that will average it out to 15% over two days."

If the film remains steady and witnesses a drop of less than 20% over the next two days, 'Brahmastra' will continue to do well. However, if the drop in collections is 20% or more, the business of the film will get affected.

The Ayan Mukerji directorial made Rs. 36 crores at the box office on its opening day, making it the biggest Hindi film opening of the year. In the first three days alone, 'Brahmastra' managed to earn Rs. 120. 75 crores domestically.

Bankrolled on a budget of over Rs. 410 crores, the film was perhaps the biggest risk of Bollywood this year. After 'Gangubai Kathiawadi', 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2', and 'The Kashmir Files', 'Brahmastra' has become the fourth film to make a mark at the box office.

As part of the trilogy, 'Brahmastra Part 1: Shiva' will be succeeded by 'Brahmastra Part 2: Dev'. It will be a delight to see the performance of Dev at the box office and the casting of the film considering there were rumours of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh in the cast.

In an interview with The Indian Express, Ayan Mukerji had recently shared an update about the film. “I can answer very few things about Dev. The idea was to create a very clear indication about where we are going next with the storytelling. Now we are really getting into the story of our antagonist. Decoding it, giving you some hook to hang on to for part two," he had said.