New Delhi: In response to speculations that Blackpink's Rose was dating actor Kang Dong Won, YG Entertainment released a statement. After a picture of Rose at a private party went viral, the agency vowed stern legal action against people who accused her of drug misuse. Additionally, it gave rise to Rose and Kang Dong Won dating rumours. 

Reacting to dating speculations, the agency in a new statement, as quoted by Soompi, said, “This is YG Entertainment. Previously, we conveyed earlier that it is not possible to confirm the artist’s personal matter in regards to Rosé, but we inform you once again as indiscriminate speculation has continued. We reveal that the dating rumors reported today regarding Rosé are not true, and we would be grateful if you could help so that information different from the facts is not circulated.”

When Riccardo Tisci, the former chief design officer of Burberry, shared a photo of Rose and Kang Dong Won together, relationship rumours started to circulate. It appeared that they had all gathered at Riccardo's home for a private party as they were all seen in a group photo.

Regarding the claims of drug abuse, YG Entertainment had said, "This is YG Entertainment. We reveal that the rumors associated with BLACKPINK’s Rosé that are spreading on various online communities, social media, etc. are clear false information. We are taking legal action against acts that violate the human rights of and defame our agency artist. We are currently monitoring those who created and spread the rumors, and will take strong legal action in the future without any leniency or settlement.”

With the K-drama 'Country Princess', Kang Dong Won made his television debut in 2003. His most popular work is 'Temptation of the Wolves'. 

Meanwhile, the girl band made history by being the first Korean act to perform at Coachella. According to Female First UK, they are currently the first Korean performers to have headlined the main stage at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California.