Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has once again sparked controversy with her thoughts on India's battle for independence against British rule, this time she targeted father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi in a series of Instagram posts which didn’t go well with many netizens.

A day after Kangana mocked Mahatma Gandhi in a series of Instagram posts, BJP Delhi spokesperson Nighat Abbass slammed the actress by saying that even Prime Minister Narendra Modi is inspired by Gandhi’s teachings and such statements against him amount to defaming India at international level.

After 'Independence Was Bheek' Remark, Kangana Ranaut Now Shares Post Taking A Dig At Mahatma Gandhi

“Mahatama Gandhi has been given the Father of Nation status by the people of country. Whose ideals have kept the Bharatiyata alive in the country, Whose thinking has inspired our Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi also,” she said in a video which she also posted on her verified Twitter handle. Mahatma Gandhi was is and will be ‘Father of Nation’ and BJP is also inspired by him, she further added.

Earlier on Tuesday, Kangana advised people to choose their heroes wisely.Taking to her Instagram Stories, Kangana shared an old newspaper article and wrote, "Either you are a Gandhi fan or Netaji supporter. You can't be both, choose and decide."

The newspaper had an old article from the 1940s with the headline, 'Gandhi, others had agreed to hand over Netaji'.

In her next IG Story, Kangana, who is known for her controversial remarks, said that freedom fighters were "handed over" to the British by those "who had no courage" to fight oppression but were "power-hungry" and "cunning".

Taking a dig at Mahatma Gandhi, she added, "Those are the ones who taught us, if someone slaps you offer another cheek for one more slap and that is how you will get aazaadi. That's not how one gets aazadi, one can only get bheekh like that. Choose your heroes wisely."

Her recent comments regarding India's independence struggle has drawn flak from several politicians and others. Many have even demanded that the Centre take back Kangana's Padma Shri honour for insulting the country's independence battle.

Kangana had received the prestigious award from President Ram Nath Kovind at a ceremony hosted at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in the capital on November 8.