The Cyber wing of the Tamil Nadu police have booked a small-time actor Meera Mitun who was also one of the contestants in Bigg Boss Tamil season 3, for allegedly using a casteist slur against scheduled caste people in a video which has gone viral on social media. In a video uploaded on August 7, the actor was seen using derogatory terms against Schedule Caste people.
The FIR was lodged following a complaint by the Viduthalai Chiruthagai Katchi (VCK), a political party supporting the Dalit cause and led by Member of Parliament, Thol Thirumavalavan.
The TN Cyber Crime police said that actor Meera Mitun was booked under seven provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act including 153, 153 A(1) (a), 505 (1) (b) of the IPC and other sections of the SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.
Meera Mitun, who has acted in a few movies, said that scheduled caste people indulge in illegal activities and they should be chucked out of the film industry. While participating in a talk show, the actor, while answering a question said that normally she would not talk about Scheduled Caste (SC) people.
Meera even accused the directors and the members of the SC community for all wrongful activities in the industry. “I think it’s time to chuck out all the scheduled caste people, directors from the industry,” she added. Meera claimed that a director from an SC community had used her picture for a movie’s first-look.
The complainant alleged that she had blamed movie directors from the Scheduled Castes community for all the wrongs and ills in the movie industry. According to the complainant, she had also asked as to why others in the Tamil movie industry were supporting these directors from the SC community. The Tamil Nadu Untouchability Eradication front is a co-complainant in the petition against her.
This is not the first time Meera got embroiled in a controversy, the actress originally known as Tamizh Selvi, is known for making distasteful remarks in past too.
With inputs from IANS