New Delhi: The ‘Weekend Ka Vaar’ of ‘Bigg Boss 16’ concluded with a lot of drama and entertainment. The Dabangg host Salman Khan’s hard-hitting ‘vaar’ began with him taking a dig at the contestants for their conduct in the past week. After belting out a series of reality checks, host Salman Khan announced the eviction of Gautam Singh Vig. While everyone assumed Salman Khan was joking, Gautam’s exit from the house shocked the housemates. 

Early in his journey on the show, Gautam Singh Vig established himself as the second captain of the house, after Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia. As a captain, Gautam handled all the house-related responsibilities impeccably. Gautam and Soundarya Sharma's romance drew a lot of attention in the ‘Bigg Boss 16’ house. The couple has dealt with claims that their connection is fake, and that Gautam is taking advantage of Soundarya for his personal gain. Despite it all, the two emerged stronger and continued to support each another. 

All hell broke loose for Gautam after he chose captaincy over the ration of all the housemates. What followed was a massive outburst from the housemates and a unique bhook hartal fronted by a few of them. Later, Gautam apologized for his folly. Recently, Soundarya decided to test Gautam’s love. This did not go well with Gautam, who distanced himself from Soundarya. 

On several occasions during his stint in the house, he had rounds of heated arguments with Shalin Bhanot, who remained his nemesis for a significant time. Due to his less involvement in the house from the last week and lack of audience support, Gautam had to bid adieu to the show. 

Sharing his gratitude, Gautam said, “I’m shocked and I wasn’t expecting my journey to end so soon. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been part of India’s biggest reality show. I will forever be grateful for all the love of the audience and to COLORS’ for giving me this opportunity. The last seven weeks have been life-changing for me. This show has taught me to deal with distressing and uncomfortable circumstances. I witnessed friendships, love, heartbreaks, betrayals, and enmity under the roof of Bigg Boss. I’m more patient and empathetic and I have a better understanding of who I am. I wish all the housemates luck and hope that the best player wins.” 

‘Bigg Boss 16’ airs every Monday to Friday at 10.00 PM and every Saturday – Sunday at 9.30 PM on Colors and Voot.