New Delhi: 'Bigg Boss 16' is about to premiere on TV and fans cannot keep their excitement levels down. Recently, the makers shared a new promo of the show featuring Salman Khan, who is shown as channeling his inner Gabbar Singh warning contestants about the torment which will follow in the upcoming season of the reality TV show wherein celebs are kept incarcerated. With the help of a survival kit, contestants must navigate through the jungle of survival.
Shared by the official social media handles of 'Bigg Boss' and Colors TV, Salman Khan is dressed in camouflage clothes with a belt filled with cartridges, very similar to the iconic villain Gabbar Singh from Ramesh Sippy's 'Sholay'. Gabbar's theme music plays in the backdrop as Salman walks across a rock, mouthing the famous line from the film.
"50-50 kos door, jab bacha raat ko royega to maa kahegi, beta so ja varna Bigg Boss aa jayega (Even 50 km away, when a kid will cry, the mother will say child go to sleep or Bigg Boss will be here).”
Salman Khan then tells viewers that the nature of the show will be changing in Season 16 as 'Bigg Boss' will also play the show. The promo also reveals the release date of 'Bigg Boss Season 16' as October 1, 8:00 PM.
For those unaware, 'Bigg Boss' has been inspired by Dutch 'Big Brother'. Produced by Endemol Shine India through Viacom 18 and Disney Hostar, the show is made available internationally through OTT platforms like Voot and Disney+ Hotstar.
'Bigg Boss' originally started in Hindi language and has been extended into seven regional languages in the Indian subcontinent including Kannada, Bengali, Tami, Telugu, Marathi and Malayalam.
Salman Khan will be returning as the show host of ‘Bigg Boss 16’.
Stay tuned for more updates about ‘Bigg Boss 16’ contestants and updates about the reality show.