New Delhi: The 16th season of the famous reality show ‘Bigg Boss’ hosted by Salman Khan began airing on television on October 1, and all of the contestants have joined the house. In the current season, the contestants came from a variety of backgrounds. Some of these contestants are Sumbul, Sajid Khan, Tina Datta, Sreejita De, and Abdu Rozik. 

In the recent episode, Bigg Boss stunned the housemates with an announcement that there would not be a wake-up song for the players after the first episode. 

In the second episode, Abdu Rozik was seen to be having a good time and getting along quite well with all of the other participants. Abdu Rozik is the world’s smallest professional single and boxer. He was diagnosed with Growth Hormone Deficiency and Rickets at the age of 5, which meant that he had stopped growing and had no longer developed hormones.

He was seen engaging with Sajid Khan as Sajid was given the role of Abdu's translator. While the two were talking, Abdu recalled his difficult times. 

He said that he was bullied and teased because of his height, which restricted him to just three years of formal schooling. Abdu also revealed that his classmates would beat him on the way home from school, and he was always stressed about his future.

The singer also mentioned that he is now in the process of purchasing a new house for his parents.

On the other hand, a task was assigned to Archana Gautam to choose someone and write the word "Bekaar" (meaning "worthless") on the forehead of the person she considers to be the most useless in the house. After much back-and-forth, Archana writes ‘Bekaar’ on Nimrit Kaur's forehead. Following this, Nimrit goes to the bathroom and sobs about the incident.

ALSO READ: Shehnaaz Gill Gets Trolled For Supporting Sajid Khan On Bigg Boss 16