New Delhi: Many ups and downs have been witnessed in the relationship between contestants Rubina Dilaik and her husband Abhinav Shukla inside the ‘Bigg Boss 14’ house. There was a lot of difference between the two and when they entered ‘BB14’ house as they were on the verge of getting divorced. But, after coming to the reality show, their relationship has improved and both of them promised to be together in front of everyone.

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In the latest episode of ‘Bigg Boss 14’, some RJ entered the house and asked Rubina questions about her relationship with Abhinav. Rubina said that their relationship has improved as she said, “Soulmates are not two people who show love to each other but are people who make each other better people.”

She further added, “We are strong people who improve each other at every point. Abhinav is like the wind under my wings.”

When enquired by the RJ if the popular reality show ‘Bigg Boss 14’ has improved their relationship, Rubina said, “Yes, it is a hundred per cent correct. After coming to Bigg Boss house, my attitude towards my relationship changed and my confidence increased and if we would not have been together, it would not have happened.”

After the episode ended, a preview of the upcoming episode was shown in which Abhinav Shukla comes to meet his wife Rubina Dilaik. The ‘Chhoti Bahu’ actress becomes elated to see him.

Both can be witnessed saying that Big Boss has strengthened their relationship. Later Abhinav tells Rubina that he wants to marry her again.

ALSO READ | Bigg Boss 14: Disha Parmar's Two Conditions Before Agreeing To Marry Rahul Vaidya

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