The Delhi police has busted a fake currency racket and two people, including a Bhojpuri film actor have been arrested. According to reports, fake currency notes worth ₹50 lakh have been seized from them.
The Bhojpuri film actor who suffered financial losses during the Covid-19 pandemic, runs a production studio in Hari Nagar Ashram (Delhi).
While talking to HT, Deputy Police commissioner RP Meena said the Anti-auto Theft Squad caught Mohammad Shahid and Sayyed Zen Hussain from New Friends Colony on Friday night following information that they would come there on a stolen scooter.
Police said that the duo was arrested during random checking to check car theft cases in South East Delhi.
During the investigation, Shahid disclosed that he has also worked in a Bhojpuri movie and was part of some Bhojpuri songs which are available on YouTube.
Shahid who is a resident of Batla House in Jamia Nagar, Delhi was previously involved in eight cases of cheating, snatching and under the Arms Act.