New Delhi: 'Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai' actor Deepesh Bhan, who used to play Malkhan in the show, passed away in July. He was 41 years old and is survived by his wife and an 18-month-old son. After his sudden demise, his wife Megha faced the challenge of repaying the home loan of Rs 59 lakh that he had taken to purchase their house. The loan has been paid now thanks to television actor Saumya Tandon.
Megha took to Deepesh Bhan's Instagram account and shared a video, in which she informed that the home loan has been repaid. She captioned the video, "Big thank you mam @saumyas_world_ & @binaiferkohli, and to all who donate in @kettoindia. You are such an angel. God will always be with you. Love you so much."
In the video, she said, “When suddenly my husband passed away, I had no other way to repay the loan as I was not financially strong and had no backing. During that time, Saumya Tandon from BJGPH came into my life and she made my account in Ketto and started a fundraiser. She helped me a lot and within one month, we have managed to repay the loan. My motive to make this video is to thank Saumya ji in front of everyone. I would also like to thank Benaifer Kohli ma'am, the producer of the show has always supported and she still continues to do. I want to thank both of them from the bottom of my heart."
'Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain' fame Saumya Tandon began a fundraising campaign to assist Deepesh Bhan's family in paying off the loan for their home. Saumya urged everyone to assist the family financially in paying off the house loan so that Deepesh's son can take ownership of the property.
Sauma also took to Instagram and posted a video to thank everyone who helped in raising the fund. She wrote, "Deepesh we miss you but don’t worry your family is safe with a roof over their heads.
Deepesh Bhan who left us in July, is survived with by his young wife Neha and their 18 months son. They had a home loan of 59 lakhs , and had no way to pay it off. If the loan was not paid the house would have been auctioned , all the life’s earnings of Deepesh and his dream house would have gone. It was his dream to give a house to his family, and I wanted to fulfil his dream. I had started a fundraiser on 10th Aug, just in 24 days 43.52 lakhs were collected. The rest of the amount was collected directly. Together the loan amount is paid off now. Producer Binaifer Kohli @binaiferkohli supported this cause, she worked hard to collect funds outside and without her efforts the extra funds wouldn’t have been collected. Some actors of Bhabhiji and others - @iaasifsheikhofficial @rohitashvgour Kiku Sharda
Anup upadhyay @yogesh.tripathi78 @charulmalik , Sapna singh , DOP Raja dada , @manojsantoshi @janabshankybali Raghuvir Shekhawat @vaibhav.mathur.teeka Gopi Ji , Nilesh kalpekar, Rajesh Aazad, Nitin Jaidev and many more plus technicians not only contributed but also shared the link of fundraiser on social media and helped the collection. CINTA and Many others actors also sent their cheques. Everyone made this dream come true and they saved Deepesh’s family and gave a roof over their heads.
Thanks 🙏 to everyone.”
Deepesh Bhan died on July 23 after he suddenly collapsed while playing cricket with his friends. He reportedly suffered a brain hemorrhage. Apart from 'Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai', Deepesh also appeared in television serials including ‘May I Come In, Madam?’ and ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’.