New Delhi: ‘Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai’ fame actor Jeetu Gupta's son Ayush who was only 19 years of age passed away on September 28, 2022 days after he was put on ventilator support. Jeetu Gupta had also asked all his fans to pray for his son two days ago through his official social media account. Now, the actor shared a post on his official Facebook account announcing the unfortunate demise of his son. Comedian Sunil Pal also shared the news of Ayush's death on his official Instagram handle.

Taking to Facebook, Jeetu wrote, "Nahi Raha Mera Babu Ayush.” Soon after Jeetu announced the news, Jeetu's industry friends and others offered  their condolences and prayed for the young boy. Sunil Pal shared a screenshot of Jeetu's Gupta post which featured a picture of his son Ayush and wrote, "RIP, Bhabhi ji Ghar per hai k Actor Mere Bhai Jeetu k Gupta k Suputra Aayush (19 years) nahi rahe.”


Rohitash Gaud, who played Manmohan Tiwari in the comedy sitcom shared that the entire cast of the show has been deeply shocked after hearing the news of Ayush's death. “I am not able to understand what is happening with the artists of Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain. We recently lost Deepesh Bhan, who was an integral part of the show. He was a healthy man, who collapsed while playing cricket. I was shocked to know the news of Jeetu Gupta's son Aayush's demise. He was only 19 years old, " Rohitash told Times Now.

Jeetu Gupta has earlier shared a picture of his son on the ventilator and written," 'बेटे आयुष के बारे में पोस्ट पढ़ने के बाद आप सब लगातार फोन कर उसका हाल पूछ रहे हैं, लेकिन आप लोगों से मैं हाथ जोड़कर अनुरोध करता हूं कि सिर्फ अपना आशीर्वाद और भगवान से प्रार्थना  केरं। इस समय में बिल्कुल बात करने की स्थिति में नहीं हूं और संभव नहीं है कि इतने सारे कॉल......( After reading the post about my son Ayush health, all of you have been calling me. I request you to please pray for him as I am not in the condition to speak to you all in my condition).

Ayush had been keeping unwell for quite some time and Jeetu Gupta had been updating his fans about his son's health status.

Jeetu Gupta portrays the role of Dr. Gupta on 'Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai'. Earlier, Deepesh Bhan who was also part of the show also passed away after suffering from a sudden heart attack.