New Delhi: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have been blessed with a baby girl on January 11, 2021. Elated father Virat Kohli took to his social media to share the happy news with his fans and followers. The Indian cricket team captain revealed in a statement, “We are thrilled to share with you that we have been blessed with a baby girl this afternoon. We thank you all for your love, prayers and good wishes. Anushka and the baby are both healthy and we are feeling beyond blessed to start this new chapter of our lives. We hope that you can respect our privacy at this time. Love, Virat.”

Virushka Welcomes Baby Girl! A Pictorial Journey Of Anushka Sharma To Motherhood

As Virushka welcomed their little bundle of joy earlier today, Kareena and Saif’s firstborn Taimur started trending on social media as netizens started sharing memes on Twitter.

Take a look at the memes and reactions here:

Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are also all set to welcome their second child in March 2021.

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