New Delhi: Celebrity couple Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora returned from their Maldives trip on Monday. The couple were spotted spending some quality time together in the island. The ‘Bhoot Police’ actor has been sharing pictures and videos from their vacation on his Instagram. Recently, Arjun Kapoor shared a video on his Instagram where he can be seen taking girlfriend Malaika Arora out on a romantic date in Maldives.

Sharing the video on his Instagram, the ‘Ek Villain Returns’ actor wrote, “She is a vibe … and it’s on fleek!”

The couple enjoyed a dinner date at the beach. Malaika can be seen wearing a beautiful lime green gown for her date night.

Also, on Sunday, Arjun shared a glimpse of Malaika making him work out in the swimming pool. He shared the video on his social media and wrote, “When the girlfriend is a tougher taskmaster than your trainer !!! Hey @drewnealpt I’m working out even on holiday at the @patinamaldives thanks to @malaikaaroraofficial”.

Earlier today, Malaika also dropped a picture of herself from under the ocean and wrote, “From ocean blues to Monday blues...either looks good on me”.

Malaika Arora has been in a relationship with Arjun Kapoor since 2017. The couple often shares posts and stories with each other on their social media. The age difference between them has been questioned quite a number of times. Malaika was earlier married to Salman Khan’s brother Arbaaz Khan and the couple has a son together named Arhaan Khan. They got divorced in 2017 after being married for 19 years.

ALSO READ | Malaika Arora Is Breaking The Internet With Hot Bikini PICS From Her Maldives Vacation With Arjun Kapoor

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