New Delhi: Arjun Kapoor recently returned from a short vacation with his girlfriend Malaika Arora from Maldives. The ‘Bhoot Police’ actor has been sharing pictures and videos on his social media from their holiday and fans are absolutely loving the glimpses shared by Arjun Kapoor.
The ‘Ek Villain Returns’ actor shared a video on his Instagram where he can be seen spending quality time with his ladylove Malaika Arora. Sharing the video, the ‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar’ actor revealed how the pandemic has helped him prioritise things.
Arjun Kapoor wrote while sharing, “The pandemic has decluttered a lot for me. Focussing on the things that are most important - work, life, love, travel - let’s prioritise our heart and not our head.”
Malaika Arora also shared a video on her Instagram from their vacation. Take a look at the video here:
Arjun Kapoor also recently shared an adorable video of him having ice-cream from a truck. His caption for the post read, “Ice Cream, You Scream !!! I’ve seen ice cream trucks in many films but never actually had an ice cream from one... guess I can mark that off my list thanks to @patinamaldives !!! (Yes, I did eventually drop some on my tee) 36 going on 6 & a half...”
A few days back, the ‘Sardar Ka Grandson’ actor also shared a glimpse of his date night with Malaika Arora. The caption for the post read, “She is a vibe … and it’s on fleek!”
Arjun Kapoor has been reportedly dating Malaika Arora since 2017.
Stay tuned for more updates.