New Delhi: Anshula Kapoor, sister of Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, has a large following on Instagram and is known for posting inspiring messages with her beautiful photos. On Thursday, Anshula Kapoor posted a few images of herself in a body suit with a long note on body positivity. She said that she had avoided wearing bodysuits because she thought they didn't fit her figure.
Anshula discussed how, as a result of toxic beauty standards, she avoids wearing outfits that she believes won't compliment her figure. She also said that she had conquered her concerns about stretch marks, cellulite, belly rolls, and other physical imperfections. She wrote, "Over the years, I've endlessly told myself that bodysuits aren't flattering for my body shape. I've stopped myself from wearing them more times than I can count. But I had a realization earlier this year. There's a lot of hidden joy in being able to try everything I never let myself explore before, at least once. I want to experience that thrill. Am I owning it? Who cares! Am I having fun? Oh 100% yes."
“Still learning and trying not to let my stretch marks, cellulite, tummy rolls etc get the best of me and my insecurities. This is me just letting my curls loose, having the best time with the team I trust most, and loving every minute of it,” she concluded.
Anshula Kapoor's message was very well received by her relatives. Her sisters Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor reacted. Janhvi Kapoor responded with fire emojis, while Khushi commented "Wow." Her cousin sister Rhea Kapoor wrote, "We want the closeups!!!!."
Shanaya Kapoor and her mom Maheep Kapoor also showed their support for Anshula’s post.
Boney Kapoor's first wife, Mona Shourie, died in 2012, leaving behind two children, Anshula and Arjun Kapoor. Boney has two daughters (Janhvi and Khushi) with his second wife, the late actress Sridevi, who died in February 2018.