Anushka Sharma has been prepping for the upcoming film 'Chakda 'Xpress' for quite some time. Looks like now the actress will begin shooting for the much-awaited biopic on Jhulan Goswami. On Saturday, the 'Zero' actress shared a reel on Instagram, giving us a sneak peek into the 'Chakda 'Xpress' prep.

Anushka shared the video in Instagram with a caption, "Will strive to bring my all to the table #TableRead #ChakdaXpress #FilmPrep."In the video we see Anushka interacting with the film's team and reading the script. The fun and laughter filled video also showed fellow cast members like Renuka Shahane and Mahesh Thakur.

The actress also wears an oversized shirt, jeans and a gray hoodie. She had her tied in a neat ponytail. Anushka looked dapper in her outfit.

As Anushka shared the video, Jhulan also reacted to the video and wrote, "Fun-tastic @anushkasharma."

The 34-year old has been prepping for the film for quite some time. In fact, her on ground training sessions and sweaty selfies show all the hard work the actress is putting in to ace her role.

'Chakda 'Xpress' is being helmed by Prosit Roy. It is inspired from the life of former Indian Cricket Team captain Jhulan Goswami. The film will follow the journey of one of the fastest female pacers of world cricket as she negotiated through society and many misogynistic stereotypes of women playing cricket.

The film will release on Netflix and is being produced by Clean Slate Filmz, Anushka’s own production company that she started with her brother, of which she is no longer a part.