New Delhi: The 53rd International Film Festival of India of IFFI jury head and Israeli Director Nadav Lapid’s statement on ‘The Kashmir Files’ has created quite a stir. Soon after his remark went viral, reactions from all quarters started pouring in, some appreciating his statement while others criticising him for his controversial stand on the film. 

‘The Kashmir Files’ actor Anupam Kher too took to Twitter to share a few pictures, which include, Steven Spielberg's film Schindler's List and his still from The Kashmir Files. His tweet in Hindi is loosely translated as, "No matter how big the lie is, it's always small in comparison to the truth (sic)."  

He did not mention Lapid's name in his tweet. 


Speaking to the ANI, Anupam Kher said, "...If holocaust is right, the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits is right too. Seems pre-planned as immediately after that the toolkit gang became active. May God give him wisdom.." 


Actor Darshan Kumar, who also had a major role in the film, spoke to the Times Of India and expressed his displeasure over Lapid’s statement “Everyone has their own individual opinions on anything they see and perceive. But one can’t deny the fact is that The Kashmir files is a film which has depicted the actual plight of Kashmiri pandit community, who are still fighting for justice against the brutal acts of terrorism. So this film is not on vulgarity but on reality,” he was quoted as saying by Times Of India.

Actor Ranvir Shourey said that the statement 'reek of politics'. He tweeted, "The singling out of a film and the language used to describe it is completely unbecoming of a film jury or critic. It reeks of politics. Cinema has always been the harbinger of truth & change, not an agent to stifle or snuff it. Shameful display of political opportunism at #IFFI."


Filmmaker Ashoke Pandit too criticised Lapid’s remark. He tweeted, “#NadavLapid’s irresponsible statement against #KashmiriFiles is an insult to Indian filmmakers. I therefore appeal to Indian Filmmakers to stand by a fellow director and denounce a foreigner, who mocked the genocide & ethnic cleansing of #KashmiriPandits.” 


Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid called the Vivek Agnihotri's film a ‘propaganda’ and a vulgar movie in Goa last evening. 

"We were, all of us, disturbed and shocked by the 15th film: The Kashmir Files. That felt to us like propaganda, vulgar movie, inappropriate for an artistic competitive section of such a prestigious film festival. I feel totally comfortable to share openly these feelings here with you on stage. Since the spirit of having a festival is to accept also a critical discussion which is essential for art and for life," he said during the closing ceremony of the film festival. 

Also Read: Who Is Nadav Lapid? Israeli Filmmaker Who Slammed Vivek Agnihotri's The Kashmir Files At IFFI