New Delhi: Bollywood superstars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt became parents on November 6, to their first child. The little angel brought smiles to everyone's faces and received lots of love from people all over the country. Bollywood stars too showered their blessings and netizens are eagerly waiting to see the first pictures of the newborn child.
Amidst all the celebrations, Indian dairy brand 'Amul' did something really sweet and adorable for the star couple and their child. Amul shared a cute post for the new parents congratulating them on the latest addition to the family.
The celebrity pair were depicted in the topical as cartoon characters holding a baby in their arms. The text on the Amul thematic read, "Alia Bhetti. Amul Utterly Daughterly Delicious." The company shared the image and captioned it, "Amul Topical: Star couple welcome a baby daughter."
Netizens really appreciated this gesture by the brand and soon started dropping their comments. Someone commented, "Awwwww many congratulations.", while someone else wrote, "It's the Lion family picture behind them for me.", adding three heart emojis to it as well. Netizens have even used this picture as their profile picture.
Another user has written, "The cutest pic on the internet today." Among all these, there were negative comments as well and a few netizens found this topical by Amul unnecessary. A user has written, "Was not expecting this ......there are millions of girls who are better & deserve more" while another person has written, "U guys used to pick socially relevant topics for advertisements... Now, this???? What a pitiable fall in standards"
On Sunday, Alia shared the good news of giving birth to her first child on Instagram with a note that read, "And in the best news of our lives: Our baby is here… and what a magical girl she is. We are officially bursting with love – blessed and obsessed PARENTS!!!!! Love love love Alia and Ranbir."
On the work front, Alia Bhatt will soon make her Hollywood debut with 'Heart Of Stone', co-starring Gal Gadot.